I hope we get along well...

Venus chuckled and asked, 'so, you didn't find anywhere to send her but here?''

''You know we got a lot of students this year and the hostels are full. There is no other place. I would have sent her to Fred's apartment but you know how he is. He will take advantage of her. She is an innocent girl''

''So, why didn't you bring her to your apartment? Am I that easy to deal with or do you think I can't take advantage of an innocent girl?''

''You have you values and principles. I know you can protect her. She is in our department, we should take care of our juniors' right?''

''No, I cannot take care of anyone. I don't care where you take her but I am not staying with a girl in my apartment. Send her to Fred, she is not 18, she can take care of herself''

''She is 18, she will be 19 next month. She graduated early ahead of her peers''

''What?'' Venus frowned.