She is making me do all kinds of things

When Amanda came out of her room, she heard the aroma of food and rushed out to the kitchen where she saw Venus busy preparing pasta. To say she was surprised was an understatement, she never thought a day like this would come that she would see him wearing an apron cooking.

When he told her to wash up and come out, she thought he wanted to take her out to the canteen to eat. She didn't think he would go as far as to cook for her.

''What are you doing there?'' Venus turned and asked her. He was wearing a blue apron. It was safe to say that he liked the color blue because a lot of his clothes were blue.

''Huh?'' Amanda shook her head and went closer. She pulled a chair from the dining table and sat down, watching him.


''What is it?''

''Thank you for earlier on''

''Just don't act like that again, once was enough''