Not his type

''I know…'' Lauren's phone started ringing and she took it out.

Amanda could see the contact ID which was, ''don't answer' clearly on the screen before she ended the call.

''I will tell you about it later, right now, I will be putting you in danger if I tell you''

''Is it that serious?''

''Mm, it is very serious and involves the wellbeing of many people. I can't risk it''

''Alright, I understand''

''I have to go now. Thank you for the things, I will use them well'' Lauren stood up and picked the bag.

''You are welcome, I will send you out'' Amanda stood up with her and they walked out of her room.

Amanda followed Lauren outside the door and they walked towards the garden leading to the other hostels. As they walked, Amanda noticed that Lauren was looking around. She was acting mysterious but she didn't want to ask her since she made it clear it was dangerous.

''Amanda, you can leave me here and go back''