From inside the kitchen, she heard a knife hitting the chopping board. It seemed that someone was cooking in the house. TO make sure that she was hearing the right thing she peeked into the open kitchen while hiding behind the wall.

A slender girl with beautiful long fingers held onto a mushroom and chopped it thinly. She had long auburn brown hair tied into a braid and a few loose strands falling on her shoulder. Her white skin had turned a slightly pinkish shade because of the heat from the stove.

"Why are you standing there like that?" Chelsi turned her head and looked Kiara straight in the eyes. Her playful face from years ago had turned mature yet the beauty only increased over time. 

Kiara was speechlessly staring back at her. 

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Her voice wasn't very welcoming and it was filled with rage and contempt. Kiara could easily detect that and she couldn't keep eye contact any longer.