Suddenly cold ran up her spine and she gave her caretaker a dead look in the eyes. For a moment the only thing that popped out to her head by the name mother was the dead cat she had seen outside the window the other day for that was the only mother she had seen in her life apart from hers. The irony was that rather than her mother's face the thing that she remembered was a faded back that got smaller and smaller until it completely vanished into a distance. 

She didn't know what to feel and how to respond to the news. Her silence made the caretaker worry and she asked. "Are you not happy?" 

Kiara stayed silent as she was looking for an answer. She didn't know what the feeling she had in her chest was. How was she supposed to feel after finding out that a person who left her willingly decided to come by all of a sudden? She had no idea what a mother was and what her role was supposed to be in her life so it was getting confusing for her to answer.