We meet again.

In one of the narrow and empty downtown alleys, the eagle team and Jiu Shao's men stood face to face at the point-blank, waiting for Wan Yi Jun to give out the orders that could change their current standing position.

"It seems like Mr Qin does doubt his best friend." Han Ze Min muttered under his breath and glanced at the suited men who stood away from the mob as if they don't want to get into the fight, 

"Tell your boss that we are taking him." He proposed in an aloof tone while casually holding onto the trigger as he received a gentle nod from Wan Yi Jun to carry on with his monologue.

It was true that Han Ze Min likes to annoy his cousin. However, he was ready to help Wan Yi Jun and his team when they got into trouble.

"Yes, sir." The suited men replied in obedience while taking a step back as if they were retreating from the scene.