/Houes-elfs talking/

'Mind thinking'


^ Parcel tone^

[Wolf talking in mind]

The day was finally over for Harry. After the shopping trip. He and Daphne had a nice dinner and getting ready for bed. Standing in the shower he had zone out. Letting the water 💧 run down his body. He did not notice that the door had open and he was not alone.

Daphne was standing there looking at Harry in the shower 🚿. Knowing that she is the reason they are getting married so soon. She could not help but think back on the plan that started it all.

Flash Back

Daphne had just got through putting her sister to sleep. She was very upset about the bloodline curse that she had. She had asked Daphne to find a cure for her. Daphne had found one but it was not a good thing.

Daphne would have to take the curse herself and get married with in two year or die. She did not know who she would marry but she had an idea. If she going to die in the process she might as well go all out.

Harry Potter was sitting in a abandon classroom. When Daphne found him. "Harry I need your help with something. I know it is a bad time with everything going on. I can teach you more about your place in our world if you help me."

"I would like that .... What is you name?" "Sorry my name is Daphne Greengrass." Harry look at her and asked what she need his help with.

Flash Back End

Daphne smiled as she drop her robe on the floor. Putting her arms around his waist. Harry almost jumped when she did that. He trun his head to look at her only for her to kiss him.

Harry POV

My mind when blank for a few seconds. When she kissed me, but the taste of her lips was intoxicating. I had to have more. So I turned around to face her. I move in and kiss her. Wrapping my arms around the waist pulling her deep into me. Our tongues battle for supremacy as we kiss. My hands are running all over her body. I pick her up putting her against the wall of the shower. I can feel how wet she is and she slowly lower herself onto my dick. I feel something primal awakening me. I pulled away from kissing her following my instincts. I bit her and we both climax together ❤️.


/Master Harry it time to get up. Breakfast is on the table./ "Thanks Tinky we will be down in a bit." {POP} Harry truns his head and looks a his mate still sleeping. There a lot of things they need to talk about. So they be on the same page.

"Daphne it time to get up breakfast is ready. Down stairs and we have some thing to talk about." Daphne being to move so she could get ready. There was a smile on her face and she felt better then ever.

Menwhile at Hogwart school of witchcraft and wizardry. Albus Dumbledore had just pull his head out of a Pensieve. He finally found out what was wrong. He had been under some kind of curse. That made him act out of control. Now he lost control over Harry Potter and he was not happy. He hoped that he be able to get him back under control soon. Now he just had to get in a meeting with him. Do he could work his magic.

Potter Castle

Harry and Daphne where sitting down when owls started to fly in. Calling Tinky to help with the mail he take a look at the Daily Prophet. Seeing Ron family wining some trip. He noticed the rat the was in the picture and got mad.

"Daphne I need you to get of hold of your father. I need his advice and do you know a good Lawyer?" "What is wrong Harry? I go to the floo and call my dad. Then you have tell me what is going on." Daphne walk over to the fireplace and made the floo call to her dad.

/Master Harry I think you want to read this letter first. I put the letters in oder of impotence. You also need to talk with your head house elf and your personal house elf./ "Thanks Tinky I get right on it."


Dear Harry

You probably don't remember me. My name is Romulus Lupin. I was a friend of your father. I would like to meet and talk with you at your earliest convenience. I sorry I have not been in contact with you. There a lot I have tell you in person. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Uncle Mooney


"Good morning Lord Potter. My daughter tells me you need my advice. Congratulations on the completion of marriage. Welcome to the family and how did you break the bloodline cruse on Daphne?"

"Bloodline Cruse? [NO CURSE WILL EFFECT OUR PACK] " Harry looked at his father in law with a confuse look on his face. Then smiled when hear his wolf speak. "I think my wolf had something to with it. It part of what we are. Daphne is just like me now. I would love to talk about this more but we have bigger problems. One of side effects of be a Therianthrope is we have a second mind that helps protect and guides us. I also noticed that my memory is perfect. I even remember how my parents secret keeper was. The Godfather ritual that Sirius Back had to do and the Animagus froms of my dad and his friends.

That beings my to why I asked you here. Take a look at the Daily Prophet. You see my friends Ron Family on the front page. Do you see the rat in his arms? That rat is Peter Pettigrew the real reason my parents died. It is also in there will that be read it two days. I have also been contacted by Romulus Lupin a friend of my father. So, do you know a good Lawyer and cane you get a hold of the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?"

John Greengrass looked at his son in law. For a bit then looked at his daughter. If everything Harry just said is true they had a lot of work to do in a very short time. He walked over to the fireplace and took some floo power. "Bones Manner." He waited for the call to go through. when it did he was ready. "Good morning Madam Bones. I have a big problem that I need your help with. If you can bring two Aurors with and a Pensieve. I going to call Madam Longbottom and sent a elf to Romulus Lupin. I will have a lawyer here so everything can do at once." After end the call he also call Madam Longbottom. "Harry can I borrow two of your elfs?"

Harry look at him but before he say anything two pops where heard. Dooby and another house-elf was standing there. /Master Harry, My name is Jeff the head elf for the Potters. Is Dooby your personal elf?/

"Yes, he is and it is nice to meet you. I would like to meet all of my elfs later on today. Now my father in law need some help. Can you do that for me?" /Yes, Master/

John handed them two notes to be taken. One to Romulus Lupin and the other to Andromeda Tonks. "Harry can you please allow them to come over. So that we can discuss everything."

The Leaky Caldron

Romulus Lupin was sitting at a both waiting on a response from Harry. When a house-elf popped next to him and handed him a note. After reading it twice he made his way to the floo.

Tonks Law Firm

Andromeda Tonks was taking a break when a House-elf popped in. Handing her a letter and popped away. After reading the letter twice she got her thing together and when to the floo.

Madam Bones POV

The day was like any other paper work and slow. That all changed when I got a gloo call from Lord Greengrass. Now I'm on my way to the Potters Castle. With Alastor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt. I hope is it important. I have other things to do with my time.


Potter Castle

Daphne had pull Harry away from everyone to talk with him. "Harry are the things I saw in your memories true? If so we may need to use that oath. As we have no idea what is coming for us."

"Yes, love it is true. That I have memories of a another live. Plus Tom Riddle memories in my head. I think your right about the oath. We will talk with you father and Lupin first. At lease I know that they will be on our side. There a war coming and we have to be ready. How are you feeling?"

"I feel a lot better like a heavy burden has been lifted lock my shoulders. Ok let us get your Godfather out of jail." Heading back to the kitchen. They see a room full of people. John seeing them come back got up.

"Everyone this is my son in law Harry Potter and this Wife Daphne. Harry to my left is Madam Longbottom, Madam Bones, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Andromeda Tonks and Romulus Lupin. Now that out if the way Harry has found a big problem and need pur help."

Harry to a deep breath and step forward. "Good morning Lord and Ladies welcome to my home. I have evidence that Sirius Back is innocent. Before you all get upset Mr. Lupin what can you tell me about the picture of the front page of the Daily Prophet?"

Romulus was have a problem the moment Harry and wife came in the room. He felt the need to submit to them. It took all of his will power not to do that. He have to talk with them alone. He look at the Daily Prophet and when mad. "WORMTAIL!!!!! I am good to kill him." Then he felt a hand on his shoulder that made him clam down. Looking to right he see Harry standing there withhand on his shoulder. "The RAT in the picture is Peter Pettigrew. I have seen him transformations so many time there no doubt . I am will to take an oath and Veritaserum. We must move fast if Sirius see this paper he do something foolish."

Madam Bones asked for the memories and took his oath. Harry also gave memories and a copy of this Parents will. She sent Alastor Moody to Azkaban. To pick up Sirius Back and get his side of the story. Andromeda Tonks became Sirius lawyer and Madam Longbottom would help in getting more people on there side.

The only people left in the castle was John Greengrass, Romulus Lupin, Harry and Daphne. "Harry can you tell my why my wolf wants to submit to you?"

Harry looks a Daphne then back a Romulus. [Claim him as one of the pack] "It is because of what I became. That your feeling that why. I do know an oath that will satisfy you and your wolf. But there will be no going back once it's said. Do you want to know it?"

John watched on as all of this was going down. Trying to see if they can us this. He was shocked when he hear Lupin agreed to take the oath. Harry then began to write some on paper then handed it to Lupin.

"Harry James Potter, First of the Lycan Bloodline, my chosen King and Alpha, I, Romulus John Lupin, pledge upon the magic in my bloodline, to uphold the will of my chosen King and Alpha. I pledge my bloodline to You and Your descendants. May the strength of our magic, mind and body be at their strongest when in Your service. May Magic forsake my bloodline if we ever stray from our path. We pledge our loyalty to the Lycan Bloodline, blessed and chosen by Magic to lead us. So we pledge it, so mote it be."

"I, Harry James Potter, First of the Lycan Bloodline, your chosen King and Alpha,do accept your Oath. May Magic find you worthy, may your devotion and loyalty be rewarded. May your bloodline flourish in my service and perish if you ever stray from your path. So I say it, so mote it be."