Chapter 40

"Trolls are rather big aren't they?" Kane said to the Kobold next to him. He knew they were going to be huge but it was still crazy to see the extent. They were about 25-30 feet tall and looked pretty ugly. Kane and his men were looking at a group of 5. They were in an opening in the forest surrounded by rocks.

Kane was peeking out from a group of rocks to observe them with one of the Kobolds. He learned a bit about them from the Kobol and from what it said to Kane it would seem that trolls are rather tough. Kane was glad about this fact as that would make them more useful to him but it was a shame as well as it would be much harder to subdue them.

They had a strong recovery and could make their wounds heal fast. They were also big and strong so it is hard to take them down. Luckily Kane specialized in their weakness. It was fire.

"Bot how much fire could I possibly produce with my current magic?" asked Kane. If he could light one on fire fully it would make it way easier for him and his men to finish the troll off.

[You could eventually light them all up by using small blasts of fireballs but that would take too long. You would be smushed before you could finish. You could use all your power at once to light one on fire but you will need time to recover your magic afterward and will also be tired and strained.]

"Basically what you are saying is that I have one shot. Looks like I need to take the leader out. Then maybe the trolls will be willing to serve me"

The kobold spoke up and said "That should work as they respect the strong. Kind of like the honorable orcs but instead of being a warrior they choose the chief with the most brute and ferocious strength. I recommend seeming bigger than you are."

Kane looked at the Kobold and slightly chuckled. "So basically I have to pretend to be bigger than a troll. Yeah, that sounds absolutely possible."

"You would be surprised, sir. Trolls are dumb and the reason most people don't try to become their chief is that they are strong and stupid. But I believe you could do it."

Kane shook his head. "Well, thanks for the vote of confidence." As worrying as it is to face the trolls Kane knew that if all went well then he would have some very powerful idiots by his side. "Let's do this then," Kane said as he took a deep breath.

The troops who had come surrounded the trolls while hiding behind the rocks. They all had spears and bows for long-range attacks. They also had backup melee weapons. Kane started to use all his mental energy to form the biggest fireball he had ever done. It was actually starting to hurt but Kane kept pushing himself. The trolls noticed something but luckily when they started to come over to check it out the lead troll was greeted by the warm embrace of the inferno.

The flames licked the troll and screams could be heard everywhere. Kane ran up to the howling fatty and used a Roman sword to slice at the leg of the troll. He had to doge many times as the troll would slam his fists down to try and smash Kane.

Kane was relentless though and had almost sliced the leg off when the other trolls tried to stop the fire on their leader. The thing is though that trolls are not very delicate and all they did was hit their chief and get fire on themselves. It would have actually been pretty funny if Kane was not focusing on not being turned into marmalade.

The chief finally fell down when his leg was cut off and another troll hit him down. Kane used this moment to run to where the troll's upper half had fallen and used the sword as a butcher knife to cut through the neck and behead the troll. Kane almost felt sorry for the troll. He would make sure to be careful if the trolls followed him. He would not want to be hit by them. The trolls really were stupid.

Kane looked at the trolls who were not moving. They just had dumb-looking expressions on their faces. Kane cleared his throat and said as loud as he could "YOUR CHIEF IS WEAK AND YOU ARE ALL GOING TO HAVE THE SAME FATE AS HIM IF YOU DO NOT LISTEN TO ME. YOU NEED SOMEONE STRONG TO LEAD YOU. JOIN ME AND WE CAN EAT AND FIGHT AND NO ONE CAN STAND IN OUR WAY!"

The trolls were still looking at him when Kane finished his speech. Then they broke into discussion. "Little man wants to be chief?" "Little human strong! He kill old chief!" "He know how to make fire serve him!" "If we join him maybe it be easier to eat" "I agree" "We make small human into chief!" "I am hungry!"

Kane would have been really happy by now but he almost wanted to just kill the trolls and get it over with. They would definitely be hard to handle. He will have them join his horde though and also he would have one of Hogars brothers try to train them. They would make life easier and harder at the same time but still, Kane was happy. When the orcs attacked he would be ready.