"Ok are you clear on your assignments?" asked the guard.
"Yes sir!" responded Samuel.
It was early morning. Samuel and his group as well as the other groups were called to get their assignments. Samuels's group as well as their roommates were assigned to patrol the roads leading to the estate itself.
The groups had to split up to cover all the ground. The main road would be watched by Ida and two of the unknown Kazaki warriors. Samuel, Akak, and Asice would be covering some of the trails that were woven throughout the nearby forest along with one of the Kazaki warriors. The leader of the mysterious group as well as one of his warriors and Julian and Helen would cover the back road.
"Sure sure you'll be alright?" asked Samuel.
"Well be fine don't worry," said Helen.
The two of them had known each other for many years and due to the tension Samuel was worried about when the group would split up.
"Ok good luck see you guys later," said Samuel.
"See yah," said Helen.
"May the gods protect you" said Ida.
"So this is rather boring eh?" said Julian.
"Better than fighting to survive on the front lights though," said Helen.
"I am sure we would have been fine" responded Julian.
"We are being paid well for this work so it doesn't matter."
"So we just have to sit around all day until the war is over? This is a pain."
"Find something to entertain yourself with," Helen said while pulling out her magical tome. She did not notice the interested look that the leader of the kazaki warriors gave.
6 hours had passed. Helen had been studying her magic the whole time. Julian had been practicing a few skills and kicking about. Now he seemed to be having a nap. Both not paying attention to Kane and his warrior.
"Bot are you sure?"
[Yes that man next to that woman definitely took it.]
"Ok looks like I found a way to get in the Lord's favor. I'm glad fortune has smiled on us. If we waited like the plan was then it may have taken ages to gain favor. Thank you human greed" whispered Kane.
While this was going on Helen was researching ways to improve her manas capacity. She also never noticed the kazaki nomad sneaking off into the distance.
Sensing a presence coming towards her Helen looked up. She was surprised to see the unknown warrior walking in her direction.
"Uh thief, wake up!" snapped Helen.
"Uh what?" responded Julian with an annoyed tone.
"Seems our friends have taken an interest in us," she said.
"Fine let's see what they want," said Julian before turning to face the incoming men.
"Can we help you?" asked Julian.
"As an adventurer shouldn't one have a certain type of honor when it comes to a job and employer?"
"What are you even talking about?" asked Julian with an irritated expression.
"Sorry Sir but is there something we can do for you?" asked Helen politely.
The man still focused on Julian, seemingly ignoring Helen.
"One of the servants had a rather sizeable bag of coins attached to his belt. I noticed that it dropped and he didn't even realize it."
"Why are you telling me?" Julian put his hand on the handle of his falchion.
Helen became tense over the situation. She also grew suspicious of Julian as well increasingly annoyed. Hopefully, her suspicions weren't warranted.
"I have a witness saying you may have picked the bag up. I only wish to inquire whether you returned the coins back to the servant."
Julian's eyes narrowed, sweat danced across his face, and a firm and unyielding grip now held the falchion.
"Julian please tell me you didn't..." Before Helen could finish what she was saying Julian launched himself toward Kane. His falchion aimed for the man's throat.
Helen was unprepared for the stranger's speed. He quickly maneuvered around Julian's attack and skillfully disarmed the man. Before he could launch an attack on Julian, Helen got up to try and remedy the situation.
"Please, Sir! I know he has his faults and what he did was wrong but do not kill him. Let the estate punish him. We do not need to spill blood today."
Julian glared at Helen but she chose to ignore it.
"I had every intention of letting the estate decide. See here they come now" said Kane gesturing toward the distance. The nomad had come back with a group of guards.
Helen started to become increasingly worried. Why did Julian have to make such a stupid move!? This could put the entire group in danger. This stranger had also been prepared to deal with her troublesome compatriot. Hopefully, Samuel can deal with this she thought.
The group now under the guard's watch gets escorted back to the estate.