Chapter 102

"Seems we found the rest of their cheap prostitutes," said one of the knights surrounding Helen and Ida.

"Seems so," said the White Sparrow general.

"The lord thought this would be enough to stop us?" said another knight.

Helen still seemed in shock. Ida nervously gripped her weapon.

"I offer you a chance to surrender. If not I will be forced to sadly send you on your way to whatever end you believe in," said the General.

Ida seemed like she was about to speak up when she started to choke. Helen didn't have a chance to turn towards her friend as a sharp steel blade coated in red escaped her neck. Both women crumpled to the floor, their necks painting the floor crimson.

The surrounding knights including the general looked on in shock and slight fear. They had surrounded the two sellswords and did not expect someone to just appear and kill the two captives.

"W...what?" said one of the knights.

"Who are you?" The general was able to collect himself easily and turned his attention toward the assassin. He felt the energy coming from the mysterious man. He was clearly a battle master. What General Oki didn't know is why another battle master was here. Was he a mercenary like the rest? He definitely was not one of the twelve as Oki would have recognized them. Also, why had he just killed these two sellswords?

"I apologize for the intrusion," said Kane with a smile hidden behind his helmet. "I guess I should get to introductions."

The sparrow knights tensed up every time Kane moved or spoke.

"I am Sir Kane of the Iron Rose Kingdom. These two had taken some things that belonged to me and my companions," Kane gestured to outside the circle of knights where Akak and Asice were standing. Asice seemed to still be in shock and fear at what Kane had done. Akak seemed stoic as ever. Kane seemed reassured at the man's declaration of loyalty. Kane had told him to trust him right before he killed their other companions but still Kane worried the man would not have accepted it. Luckily all worries disappeared and Kane felt assured he could get them out of this situation. If not his Kazaki warriors had circled around the area and were ready to ambush the sparrow knights.

All the knights turned to the man's companions. The General himself seemed even more surprised that there were more people here. He was ever more shocked to hear this man's name.

"SIR KANE!" General Oki faced the man and bowed. This seemed to send a whirlwind of shock and confusion through the ranks of sparrow knights. Even Akak seemed shocked now.

"Sir, why are you bowing?"

"What's happening!?"

"ALL OF YOU SHOW YOUR RESPECT! Sir Kane is a delegate from the Iron Rose Kingdom. He is the very man who saved our princess and aided my fellow generals in protecting our territory!"

No one was prepared for the usually violent and grumpy General Oki to show such respect an admiration to someone. Especially someone not from their kingdom.

Kane was surprised too. He was picking up Helen's bag of books and did not realize that the General would know him. This would work great for him. Originally he wanted to seem like a neutral party trying to get something taken from him. This would give him a chance at talking with the General instead of fighting as well as get the magical tome he wanted from Helen. He thought killing the two women would show him as a friend and not an enemy. Seems all he needed was his name.

"Well, I must say I was not prepared to be known General...?"

"Oki. I have served the White Sparrow Kingdom for many years. I had conversed with the other generals before conducting this raid and we all learned of you and your friendship. I do hope we may get to know each other but first I am curious why you are here in enemy territory?"

"I was doing my own preparation for war with Kokar. I never thought the White Sparrow Kingdom would launch an attack so soon.

"Well, it seems fate has smiled on us, Sir Kane. We managed to take this estate pretty easily even with these mercenaries here. Now I must search for certain correspondence between the lord and the king."

"I wondered why you would attack here."

"Yeah well despite this family being long passed their warrior glory days the lord still remains close to the king. We knew he would have enough documents to help us plan our first few battles."

"Seems like victory is already leaning toward you, General."

"Yes well, soon more will be here. I have men getting everything of use and we will prepare to leave any minute. I would be honored if you would join us at our camp."

"It would be my pleasure. We have a lot to discuss. Might I just ask what happened to the Kokarian battle master?"

"The Seaton family used to be renewed for their spear battle art. They were once great warriors. This man was not one of them. His technique was imperfect and as such was not nearly as challenging as some of the battle masters. What a shame that technique is wasted on common filth nowadays."

Kane perked up at the general's words. He was starting to get a reading on the type of many General Oki was. He also now knew that the technique may be up for grabs now. He just had to find it.

"I shall meet you at your camp then General!" said Kane. "It was good to meet you, especially in the midst of battle."

"Indeed I look forward to the future Sir Kane."

Kane gathered his companions and told them to follow him. He had one more thing to do before they left the manor. He also had to talk to Akak about what happens next. He knew the man was adamant about his pledge to Kane but he also knew his sister was more important than any kingdom or clan. Asice seemed unsure about what Kane had done and Kane worried she may dissuade Akak.

"Akak we are on our way to the Lord's study. We must be quick. I also wish to talk to you."

"It is alright my lord. I understand who you are. We are the same when it comes to getting what we want. You are clearly great as that general respects you and his power is immense. I do not care for the lives of those sellswords. I only seek protection for my sister which you gave just now. My blade remains yours. My sister will come around. I will talk to her. Now shall we look for that fat lord's battle art?" Akak said all this with a slight grin.

Kane was speechless. Is Akak's battle art mind reading? No matter. Kane smiled as well. It seems Kane had found someone he would like to call a friend. Two people similar in nature and experience, ready to take the continent by storm.