Before the chapter starts: Yeah I know I left the story again. I'm sorry. A new segment of my life started I can't write as often. I want to try and start writing again but it won't be as frequent. One day I'll write more again and even start some plans for new projects on this site. I hope you guys will stick with me and continue to support my work. If you have any ideas or want to see something please feel free to let me know. Once again I apologize for falling off the end of the earth but hey whose surprised? Love ya'll.
The chapter starts here:
His hand clasped hers. He put every ounce of strength he had into his grip. Never again did he want to let go. But no matter how hard he tried she moved onward, lost in an unending field of grass. Soon followed by a smaller figure. One who looked vaguely like the man who was now stuck between life and death. The fleeing forms of his family hurt him more than a thousand blades slicing up his body. He tried to run after them but a bright light exploded and excruciating pain awoke him from his slumber.
"You're finally up."
Fukuyo could hardly breathe. His throat felt as if a thousand hot coals clogged every airway. Tears of sorrow blinded him as well as stung the many cuts on his face.
He tried to question where he was but nothing came out. In fact, he tried to sit up but it was as if a giant bull rested on his body, not letting him move up even an inch.
"Easy now General. The injuries you suffered were serious. I am lucky to have arrived in time. You were already half dead."
Fukuyo used all his energy to belt out these few words. It was a grueling task and seemed to make his pain increase tenfold.
"I'm sorry General but it is not your time yet. One of your soldiers told me what happened. I am very sorry for your loss. But you should keep fighting. Don't let them die for nothing. Don't let your people's suffering go unpunished," Kane said with ferocious determination.
Before Fukyo could respond a wave of energy seemingly came out of nowhere and flowed throughout his body. He was able to move a little and felt his voice return to him.
Angrily he responded. "This whole attack was pointless. I swear the White Sparrow Kingdom will lose this war with such incompetent leaders. AND YOU, you think those words ease my pain! I lost everything! This shouldn't have happened! I could have stopped this! The king's orders and intelligence failed me, and our people. HE KILLED MY WIFE AND SON."
Kane gestured to an older robed man in the corner. Fukyo was shocked to realize his anger started to dissipate and his emotions started to calm. His wounds also seemed to hurt less than before. Who was this man? He wondered.
"I am sorry but your anger may rupture one of your wounds so I had him cast another healing spell. This is Lo Marblewillow, a healer of the Iron Rose Kingdom. He and his healers have been seeing to your wounds as well as those of your surviving men.
"I..." Fukyo tried to respond but Kane put up his hand, signaling him to wait.
"I know things seem like they're over. I know the suffering may make you hate everything and even lead you to give up on life. And your kingdom may have failed you. But your men still need a leader. The Kokarians still need to be slaughtered and your family still needs avenging. So I offer you this. Instead of death join me. Your hate may turn you away from your previous loyalties but that does not mean you need to die or give up on revenge."
"What are you suggesting?" asked Fukyo with slight suspicion in his tone.
"Only a small percentage of your soldiers survived but they still have a place in this war. But like you, they are fed up with how things are going. Your intelligence was wrong and those orders were meant to kill you. This could be intentional but still, I have a feeling that doesn't help your forgiveness of them."
"Yeah, this isn't the first time we could have done something if we had acted sooner," said Fukyo full of sadness.
"I don't know why intelligence thought things would be fine and I'm sorry to say there were no survivors. In fact, the catacombs where we were told that people evacuated were empty."
Fukyo clentch his fist. Whatever happened here was unforgivable.
"What is there to do now? If my home is gone and the kingdom I serve is a failure then there really is no reason for life. If my men are truly decimated then this was a complete waste and I am not worthy of my rank."
"Although I do not know what happened here. I know we can still figure it out. In fact, I will make you a promise. I will find out how this intelligence failure happened and help you avenge your family."
"And what of me? What do I need to do to ensure this declaration you have so easily made?" said Fukyo.
"Smart man. You have around 40 soldiers left. All curseing your kingdom's name as well as the kingdom of Kokar. It seems your anger may be of better use to the Iron Rose."
"You wish for me to betray my liege and ignore my vows of alliance?" asked Fukyo with furrowed brows.
"We are still allies. But instead of giving up here or going back to a kingdom where you and your men will assuredly be sheathed and hidden away from the frontlines, I give you another option. Don't go back to your kingdom disgraced and forgotten. Together let's continue this fight. I will make sure your unit will only grow from here. You will be a tide of fury helping our nations destroy the kingdom of Kokar."
"This is dangerous talk, your highness."
"Well, I am all for the alliance of our kingdoms. But I have big aspirations. As do you."
"Well, I don't wish to retire so young. And I'm sure if I did return with nothing to show I would kiss my position and any chance of revenge goodbye. But what of your new alliance? If I pledge to you then this could sour relations."
"An issue for another time. For now, they will think you decimated and this battle lost."
"You are far more dangerous than I first would have guessed Your Highness."
"I may be a king now but I've always been a soldier. The alliance was a tactical choice. The first of many. I aim to rule, I aim to grow, I aim to conquer. And when I've achieved my goals the world will be safer. Our families will be happy and healthy. And we will be strong enough to keep it that way."
When he saw the ragged corpses of his loved ones, Fukyo thought it was the end for him. This could be a new chance for him. It would be against his character but it seems as if being at death's door had changed him. He would rebuild himself.
"You have my sword."
"And you have my word Sir Fukyo. In fact, I think I have an answer to how this terrible atrocity happened."
Fukyo's ears perked up at this statement.
"Are you familiar with the Mayor of Sagaa?"
"Yes, we went to school together."
"Well, it seems he may have had a hand in how easy it was to infiltrate and topple the city."
"WHAT!?" Fukyo was furious.
"We found him eating dinner inside the keep surrounded by Kokarians."
"I swear I'll..." Fukyo hardly believed his ears but his anger propelled him to murderous intent almost immediately.
Kane motioned for the General to stop.
"Don't worry we have him in custody. In fact, he squealed quite hastily. It seems he will do whatever to survive. And if you wish to hear the story yourself then you may head to where we are keeping him now. And after you decide his fate we will discuss what you have learned. His words are troublesome and I am sure we will have some planning to do."
Fukyo didn't even respond but got up while ignoring any pain and headed straight to the doorway. Kane motioned for the healers to follow him as well as one of the guards in the tent. Kane knew what Fukyo would hear and knew what it would lead to. For now, he will wait for him to unleash his anger. Although the battle was technically a loss it worked for him in the end. He traded some F, E, and D-rank troops for B, C, and even a few A-rank troops. And what made him even want to go this route, General Fukyo. Originally Kane had no plans on going against the White Sparrow Kingdom, at least so soon but this general was a hidden rank S. If Kane gave him the proper nurturing then he would gain a fearsome weapon to add to his arsenal. Plus it's not as if it would immediately cause his new alliance headache. Kane would still benefit from the kingdom's aid whilst building his own forces. And with what the Mayor told him he knew Fukyo's loyalty would be assured.