Chapter 15

Pierce shoved deep into RC’s willing mouth, one hand holding the

back of RC’s neck, the other cradling RC’s unshaven cheek…this was

my first glimpse of heaven.

After several long minutes, Mr. Pierce

clenched his hand into a fist at RC’s nape. The next time RC bobbed

up, the hand on his face eased beneath his jaw, holding him back.

The look Mr. Pierce gave RC smoldered—even across the distance that

separated us, I felt that look deep in my groin and had to bite

into the fleshy base of my thumb to keep from crying out with want.

“Damn, you’re good,” Mr. Pierce said, his voice soft.

My cheeks blazed at the complement as if it

had been directed toward me.

A slow smile softened Mr. Pierce’s stern

features. “But you know what I want.”

RC laughed and turned his face to press his

mouth in Mr. Pierce’s palm, planting a kiss there. “What you

alwayswant. A piece of my ass.”

There was the slightest hint of a tease in

Mr. Pierce’s voice when he countered, “It’s an oh so fuckable