Chapter 66

“He ripped out their throats right in front of me and laughed when I recoiled from their splattered blood.” Vitas started to cry.

“Guys, why don’t you go over for your facials? Vitas and I will meet you there. He needs to vent a bit.”

The other Mates nodded.

Julio took his and Vitas’ robes off the hooks outside the sauna. “We’re going to have some orange water in the relaxation room.” After they put on their robes, Julio put his arm around Vitas and guided him to the room.

Vitas sniffed as he drank orange water from the frosted glass. “I didn’t mean to get teary, now that I’m safe it bites me sometimes. I’m so afraid Chernof will come after Henri.”

“Chernof better be afraid that Henri, Armand, my Etienne, and the others don’t come after him.”

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