Chapter 37

“As if I could forget…Donald Tremont, Vinnie Dorsí, Jose Lopez, and Amado Arendse. I couldn’t take them so like a coward, I ran away.”

“You were not a coward, mon coeur. It was four against one, and you were much smaller than they were. Any prudent boy would try to get away. Did you try to report the older boys to the administrators and counselors who ran the facility?” The red around his eyes completely overtook the white.

“Yes, many times, and I had the bruises to prove what I said. But they called me a troublemaker and said since I insisted on parading the fact that I was gay, I asked for it.” Julio shrugged. “I’m fem. I can’t help what I am.”

“How old were you?” Etienne stroked Julio’s hair.

“I was fifteen. I stuck it out for a year; but I couldn’t see doing three more, especially since they were planning to rape me.”

“Where did you go?” Etienne fought to control his anger.