Chapter 64

Everyone got comfortable. Etienne checked Julio’s seatbelt twice. He chuckled when he saw the other mated Alphas do the same for their Mates. Etienne asked that Julio stay near him and he agreed. He had never traveled on a jet before. He peered out the window and watched takeoff with a tingle in his stomach. When the plane was fully in the air, he ate his first sandwich with vegetables, chips, and the wonderful dill dip Bianca prepared.

Etienne sat next to him with Adrien and Gilbert across from them. Etienne said Adrien was not to leave him until this matter was resolved.

Etienne rubbed his chin then asked in a conversational tone, “You mentioned Richard before, who was Richard?”

“I haven’t thought about Richard for years. He was Irish and green eyed, only his were grass green. Maybe if you met him first, I wouldn’t be here…” Julio smiled. “Richard is one hundred percent Irish and has the requisite eye color as all the other Mates.”