Chapter 20

“I used to do well in school.” Donal half smiled. “Although you wouldn’t know it by the way I play this game.”

“It takes a lifetime to learn to play chess well unless you’re a prodigy.” Sean took a sip of tea.

“If you like, once Alexei gets your health straightened out, I can tutor you for your GED,” Kane offered.

“You’d do that for me?” Donal still had a hard time believing anything that came too easy.

“Of course, we’re going to be good friends, all five of us.” Kane assured him.

“How do you know that? I’m a whore, you’re a teacher.” Donal let another tear escape.

“You’re a former unwilling prostitute. There is a difference. And even if you were willing, it wouldn’t matter because you aren’t anymore.”

The elevator whirled and stopped. Donal turned to see who had arrived.