Chapter 23

He picked up each foot and examined it thoroughly. “Some of the recent damage may be fixed by the infusion. What isn’t, a plastic surgeon may be able to fix. I can’t say for certain. I don’t know if the infusion can fix his feet. Make sure he keeps eating. I hear he’s going to the dentist. That’s good. The infusion will make his teeth stronger, but it won’t clean them or fix cavities. Make them give him gas before the Novocain if he has any cavities, no pain medication except for Tylenol. Your appointment is at eleven?”

“Yes, one of our dentists has a practice on Sixty-Seventh Street and Park Avenue. I had Vasily call Rene.”

* * * *

“I can’t believe I only had three cavities. My teeth feel so clean.” Donal grabbed Alexei around the waist and hugged him.