Chapter 14

He couldn’t believe he was joining Ian and Sean for lunch on Friday. Marc told him that Ian and Rémy’s house was beautiful. Ian did the paint, and Rémy picked the furniture. They collaborated on the accessories.

I don’t understand what’s happening. It’s as if the world has suddenly gone blind. No one notices the scar, only me. I like Ian and Sean. I hope that they’ll continue to be my friends when Marc gets sick of me.

They arrived at Gramercy Park exactly at four. Since Colin had already met Giles, Marc introduced him to Michelle. Michelle was a tall woman about five-foot-ten. She was slender and well-formed and unlike Meg, Armand’s housekeeper, Michelle wasn’t a walking advertisement for her cuisine. If Giles didn’t have much to say, Michelle more than made up for his silence.

“So you’re the one getting a standing rib roast. Good, you need to be fattened up. I’m Michelle, not one for the ceremony, but I’m a damn good cook.”