Chapter 33

“To get around the compound, we use several snow plows and blowers that all use Garou batteries. We also charge up Garou Industries’ cells and use them for the cars. Each home has large freezers and pantries. We also have a pack grocery and butcher. The pack members store up food for the winter in case the roads are impassable, and the stores pick up the slack with staples that may run out. We also have a seamstress, a tailor, and a dry goods store.”

Colin’s eyes widened. There was a lot of planning to be done to live through a winter out there in the woods.

“Who lives with us? Thirty is a lot of rooms. Who keeps it all clean?” Colin was taken aback when he found out how large the property was. He thought the apartment in Manhattan and the two townhouses were huge. Absently, he took more rice and another bowl of stew.

Colin noticed that Marc seemed pleased to see him refill his plate. I’ll have to thank Michelle. I’ve never eaten so well. Ma wasn’t much of a cook