Chapter 58

“To get back to the original question, yes, I’m still planning to take next semester off. Marc is going to arrange for my surgery so I’ll be unavailable for about ten days. After that, it could take as long as three months for the scar to fade and up until a year for the result to be evident. Since I won’t be back at school until the fall semester, the scar should appear better than it is now, and by Yule next year I should look relatively normal.”

“I still can’t understand why you’re getting the surgery. Any time you go under anesthesia there is a risk. You know that Marc is nervous about it. He doesn’t want to lose you now that he’s finally found you and the scar doesn’t bother anyone who matters.” Sean took a tortilla chip from the plate of nachos and slathered it with the guacamole, salsa, and sour cream.

“It bothers me, and I matter,” Colin said firmly.

“Well, it shouldn’t.” Ian grabbed some chips from Sean plate.

Sean wailed. “Ian!”