Chapter 61

“We’ll use the Enforcers with permits as drivers and keep handguns in the limousine. It already has bulletproof glass. We only have to worry about exiting the limo and entering the venue.” Marc’s sharp hearing picked up Colin’s footsteps on the stairs. “He’s on his way back up. You all have your assignments, let’s eat, and then you can report to me by four.”

Colin walked into the study. “Do you want to eat up here or in the breakfast nook? Michelle says if we eat in the breakfast nook the soup won’t spill on the stairs.”

“We’ll go to the breakfast nook as Michelle suggested,” Marc said.

Colin headed for the stairs. “I’ll tell Michelle.”

Marc stared at his Betas. “Anton, if you can’t get Edward at his office, you have my permission to call him at home. Ask him to relay the information to Martin so The Alpha will know what’s going on, also call Andre so he can tell Alpha Clavier.”

* * * *

Saturday Morning, December 30