Chapter 23

“Hai, Joō-sama?”

“Are you ready for me?”

“Always, Joō-sama,” I answered.

She led me into a room at the front of the house, on the side opposite from the dining room. Behind folding screens, there was a thick beam suspended from the ceiling with pegs, hooks, and pulleys attached to it. There was a large rod of rope hanks there, too.

“Clasp your hands together,” she said. She bound my hands and wrists together into a huge ball. She checked to make sure it was secure.

“Now step up onto this box.” She pointed to a wooden box under the beam. I stepped up onto it. She turned me with my back to the wall. “Hold your hands high above your head.” I did.

She pushed a small step stool up beside it and stepped up onto it. She pushed my hands back until the ball of rope was over a large hook that was fastened there. She stepped down onto the floor.

Takeo and Daisuke walked into the room. “Ah!” Takeo exclaimed, “A new suspension?”