Chapter 35

“Michy!” I heard someone call. At first I didn’t recognize the name, but before I could turn around, someone had run up to me and had me in a big hug.

“Tracie! I didn’t know you were going to be here!”

“When I saw that Yuriko was going to be presenting, I persuaded Flair to come up here.”

“That’s great. How are you?”

“I’m wonderful. Look at you! I’ve never seen you looking so good. You glow!”

“I’m very happy,” I told her. “I definitely made the right decision.”

“Where is she?” Tracie asked.

I looked around the room. Yuriko was across the room talking with a Master in sleek black leather.

“Right there,” I said, nodding in that direction.

“She’s so beautiful,” Tracie commented. “Do you want to come sit down and have a cup of coffee? We haven’ talked in so long.”

“I’d love that!” I said. “Let me go ask Joō-sama.”

I walked over to Joō-sama and waited for her to finish talking to that Master.