Chapter 15

“Nell! Fly! Leave him!” McManus had his hand out to them for inspection and they decided he wasn’t a threat. They disappeared off again to whatever they were doing.

He sighed. It was a long way up. The car was very close to the ground.

Laurie looked up at McManus again, at his own hand on his stick, his other on the door frame, and then up again. McManus looked back.

McManus raised an eyebrow at him.

Laurie dropped his gaze and swore softly. “Bloody hell. All right then. Would you mind giving me a hand?”

McManus stifled a laugh. “Of course. How is best?”

His eyes were dancing a little, but his gaze was solemn. He wasn’t laughingatLaurie per se. But he was laughing at Laurie’s frustration, in a way that Laurie didn’t actually mind. The whole situation was so bloody ridiculous. He hated asking for help and he recognised that was stupid and irrational and that he neededhelp. But it didn’t make it any easier. Thatwas what McManus was laughing at.

Laurie could laugh at that too.