Chapter 19

Sally grinned, sharply. “She said she’d think about it. She did look hungry though. And I told her she could use the bathroom to wash. Was that all right?”

He nodded. “I said that to her yesterday, but she wouldn’t. I got the impression she was too frightened. More frightened of men though, I reckon.”

Sally agreed. “I would say so.”

“Did she tell you who she was?”

She shook her head. “No. Just said to call her Cat.”

“Did you tell her not to use the stove until I’d had a chance to get the chimney checked? I don’t want her burning the barn down.”

She nodded. “Yes. I just said it was due for a sweep and he’d be out in the next day or two and she was just to stay upstairs if she wanted when he came.”

Laurie nodded. “Okay, that’ll do. Bloody hell, Sally.”

“I think she’s from Devon,” Sally said. “Her accent. “Plymouth, maybe?”

He nodded. “Yes, that makes sense now you’ve said it. She wants work, she said.”