Chapter 6

“I can get him settled in bed,” Meg said.

Armand looked at his mate’s face. “No, I’d prefer to do it myself.”

“I’ll get the broth. I’ll be right back.” Meg left the room.

Armand adjusted the pillows underneath Sean’s head and stroked his brow. He still fought the sedative.

“You may not want me to stay here. I don’t want to put anyone else in danger.”

“No worries, baby. We can take care of ourselves. Is there anyone we should notify?” Armand could not help the note of jealousy that crept into his voice.

In a low halting voice, Sean said, “No one. The man I thought was my father threw me out because I’m gay.” Sean breath hitched on a sob. “I went to art school, but couldn’t pay my tuition or my rent so I was thrown out.”