“Some of my things were on exhibition at NYU Institute of Fine Arts. I imagine my professor has all of the work I have done. I was working on the piece to obtain my Master’s Degree when the world fell in on my head.” Sean shrugged. “Maybe it was all for the best, if it wasn’t for my troubles, I would never have met Armand.”
“I rather doubt that.” Martin poured more coffee. “When the gods have something planned, there are many roads to the desired outcome.”
“Martin’s right. I attend shows at NYU Institute of Fine Arts on a regular basis when I’m in town and have an interest in pottery. I may have found you there. Why don’t you call your professor and have him crate your work for transportation to New Mexico?”
“It would be expensive to pack all of my pottery and have it sent. The pieces are fragile.” It was easy to see that Sean hoped it could be done but was afraid to ask for such an expensive boon.