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Chapter 37

“No, I suppose not.” Tony admitted grudgingly.

“See,” Nina said. “I told you it would be all right. You are such a worrywart. Now stop the interrogation and enjoy the wedding.”

Armand entered the room. Sean turned to look into his face, afraid he heard some of the conversation.

“Armand, this is Tony and Nina, my friends from Boston.” Armand shook Tony hand and gave Nina a kiss on both cheeks.

“Welcome to our home. I wish we had more time to visit. I want to get to know Sean’s friends. We are leaving for New Mexico after the wedding, perhaps you would like to visit us in New York when we get back?”

Sean gave Tony a look. “That would be great. We don’t see enough of Sean since we moved to Boston. I’m a TA at Boston University. Sean is my best friend. Take care of him,” Tony said ominously.

“I will,” Armand said, serious in tone. He pulled Sean to his side. “Would you and Nina like to go upstairs to freshen up? We’ve put aside a room for our guests to use.”