They were back to the house within the hour and Elena went to bed with no fuss.
Meg served them coffee in the study as they had lunch out. Sean insisted that Armand try McDonald’s just for the experience. He wolfed down three Big Macs and two orders of fries. “I can’t see why they say this stuff isn’t good. Those French fries were terrific.”
“It’s great for an occasional meal but it isn’t good for you. The calories all come from fat and there is very little real nutrition.”
Armand gave Sean a big grin. “Remember, we don’t get human diseases. We can eat there whenever we want.” Sean just shook his head. Armand lived in America but spent his life set apart from American culture. Sean was going to have to remedy that because he wanted their daughters to know human as well as loup-garou culture, since they had to share the world with their human counterparts.
“Let’s go and ask Meg if she was able to get us a princess costume for our girl.”
* * * *