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Chapter 71

“What are you doing out of bed?” growled Armand.

“Well, since you’re going to be stupid enough to fight when you don’t have to, I’m here to stop you. I want no one dead because of me.”

“Alpha Mate, a formal challenge was issued.” Thierry insisted.

“Well un-issue it. No one dies today. Let La Farge get escorted to Russia with the Russian and their fate be decided there.” Sean used the la voix.

“And Bernard, Alpha La Marche?”

“We can work that out internally.” Armand sighed.

“Can you accept this solution?” Thierry asked.

“I believe that the Alpha Mate was given to us to engender an age of peace and prosperity. He has a cooler head than I do. If we meet the gift of la voix with violence, the gods are capricious, they could take it away. I agree with what the Alpha Mate has suggested.”

“Then there will be no blood spilt here today,” Thierry said as he handed the meeting over to Armand.