Chapter 23

Once, Aunt Mary had at least been cordial to Brian. When he came out of the closet at eighteen, his father’s sister disowned him. However, Mary was the only choice left.

Brian flung himself out of the chair and took the wedges off the bed so he could lie down. He usually tried to sleep through the worst of the heat. He could not shake his train of thought.

He remembered her last call.

“Brian, this is your aunt.”

As if I do not know your voice by now.

“Your mother went to the doctor today and I am considerably out of pocket.”

“Mary, Mom has an insurance card. I discussed this with both of you the last time I visited. She presents the card and it covers the visit with the exception of four dollar co-pay which Medicare picks up.”

“I don’t recall that conversation. She must have misplaced the card. I paid sixty-five dollars and I need it back immediately.

I can’t keep on shelling out money for her, Brian, and waiting for you to pay me back.”