Chapter 31

“It is a long story and it is Brian’s to tell, not mine. Thank Jim Boy, and thank you for having my back.”

“That’s what friends are for, Bro. It looks like Cisco is homing in on the nursing station.”

It took all of Bear’s will to stand still behind the glass wall and let Cisco check the chart. He knew he needed to see the initial evaluations made by the nurses and residents, but all Bear wanted to do was drag Cisco over to Brian and chain the doctor to Brian’s bed until his boy was fixed.

Cisco must have felt his stare. He looked up, nodded, and made a vague hand gesture, which could have indicated anything from one minute to sit the fuck down and wait until I am ready

Bear didn’t care. He needed Cisco here now.

Almost as if in tune with Bear’s thought process, Cisco walked into the room and put his arm around Donald’s back.