Chapter 41

“That was Mr. Drummond last night, wasn’t it…over at my place? The fog is just beginning to lift from my brain.”

Jim got Brian back on the bed and watched as what looked like a black cloud fell over Brian’s face.

“Oh shit, now I’m going to lose my job too!” Brian cried.

Jim jumped up, but Brian had turned his head away from Jim and into his pillow. Brian looked defeated and had completely lost control. Jim was amazed.

I watched the cub all last night, and although sometimes tears came down his cheeks, he never made a sound. It was obvious he was in distress, but why.

I’ll be damned, nothing fazed him until Bear’s name was mentioned. I’m no Dr. Harris, but I bet I can get to the root of this outburst.

“Hey cub, cool down. Sir left me here to make sure you were okay. He is on his way back in this morning.”

“I haven’t even started my job and already I’m a problem.”

Brian sobbed.