“Just what is the situation with your mother, kid? Tell me straight. I can’t abide doublespeak.”
“She has a bad heart. Not bad enough to put her on a transplant list, but she is not able to work, clean, cook, or care for herself. She can’t do stairs and pretty much, needs someone to check on her, help her to dress, and give her the meds.”
“You found someone to care for her?” Donald asked.
“Yes and no. I have been paying my Aunt Mary for her care, but Mom is not happy and Mary doesn’t treat her right. I want to get Mom into an assisted living facility. There she would have people to care for her and socialization, but also a measure of privacy.”
“What’s stopping you?” Donald asked.
“I need to, uh…we had some financial reverses and I had to pay her bills before someplace decent would accept her.”
“Look, Brian, we need to talk,” Bear announced. “I’ll take you up to your room, where you’ll be more comfortable.”