Chapter 22

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“I heard through the grapevine about your alpha knight in shining armor rescuing you, the omega damsel in distress, from two ferocious alphas who had groped you in a most inappropriate manner.”

Percy rolled his eyes at Ashton. His best friend had entered his dressing room without bothering to knock, but he was used to it.

“How are you doing, Perce? Oh, you’re good? Great! So am I. Thank you for asking.”

Ashton snorted. “Tone down the sarcasm because it’s so last century, and don’t try to change the subject. I want details.”

“What details?” Percy feigned ignorance as the make-up artist was working on his face while the hairstylist was applying a shit ton of product to his hair and brushing it over and over again.

Ashton sat on the chair to Percy’s left. “Don’t act innocent. That’s so not cute.”