Chapter 29

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“I think our attempt this morning wasn’t that horrible,” Diego said cheerfully as he sat next to Rohan in the car. “Don’t you agree?”

Rohan scoffed. “You’re awfully optimistic.”

Percy, who was seated in the seat in front of Diego, chortled while turning his head to face Diego. “I think that depends on your definition of ‘not that horrible.’ I have a strong feeling we don’t look at it in the same way.”

“Oh, come on,” Diego whined. “Everything worked out fine in the end.”

“After Percy took charge of the cooking,” Rohan reminded while scowling at Diego.

Diego huffed. “I’m trying to lighten the atmosphere. We’d all been tense since breakfast and throughout lunch, as well. I’m so underappreciated.”

Percy rolled his eyes. “You’re the most overdramatic alpha I’ve ever known.”

“Must be your lucky day.”

“Ha! Ha! That’s so funny! Look at my face. I’m so amused.”

Diego snickered. “Okay. Fine. I admit breakfast started out as a disaster, but it could have been worse.”