Chapter 40

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Later that afternoon, the two alphas accompanied Percy to the studio, but only Rohan stayed behind to look after their omega. Diego told Percy he had to meet James because he had to pay for the deposit on the building they wanted to purchase, and he would also start discussing the renovations with the contractor he had in mind. Consequently, he would be busy for several hours. He wasn’t lying, but he didn’t tell the whole truth either.

Earlier at lunch, he and Rohan had agreed to divide the duties between them. Rohan would be in charge of looking after Percy’s well-being while Diego would do all of the other tasks, which included planning for their first official date. This time, he was determined it would be a success. He didn’t want a repeat of breakfast of a few days earlier. Instead of preparing the food himself, he would choose the easy way out by calling for takeout. All he had to do was decorate the car so they could enjoy a romantic dinner together.