Chapter 50

“It’s Thursday. We have plenty of time to make sure we have all we need for the grand opening next Monday. Everything will be fine, man. On the other hand, I’m not sure if you can survive the next few hours with your balls intact. You’re one horny motherfucker, aren’t you?”

Rohan ignored Diego’s gaze, which was now directed at his obscenely bulging crotch. “Fuck you! Look who’s talking.”

Diego winked. “Won’t deny it, babe. Can’t wait until the three of us are in bed later tonight. Good times! The past seven days had been incredible. We might not have fucked each other the first time we had sex with Percy last week, but we’ve been making up for lost time every night since. Are you still sore back there?”

Rohan was mortified, but it would be a cold day in hell before he would admit it. “I’m fine. What about you? I got carried away last night when I pounded your ass. I even grabbed your hair. I’m sorry about that, by the way.”