Wyatt ran through the cycle four times before he opened his eyes again, fixing his gaze on his green bedroom walls. He had a vague memory of helping to paint the walls when they’d moved in here. Dad and Justin had helped him pick the paint, apparently steering him gently away from a lurid neon green to a much easier-on-the-eye pale shade. It was a soothing color, and it always made him feel safe and calm.
Wyatt picked up his headphones and went back to work.
* * * *
In the afternoon, Wyatt took over Dad’s kitchen and decided to make cupcakes for Justin and his crew for the morning. He made two batches, keeping one batch entirely sugar free for Justin. Wyatt couldn’t lie—the sugar free ones were never quite as nice as the others, whatever the recipes promised, but Justin loved them.
Justin arrived home soon after. “Cupcakes?” he asked hopefully as he walked into the kitchen and peered into the oven.
“You can take them to work tomorrow,” Wyatt told him.