Chapter 2

“I asked you a question.” His voice was low, just this side of menacing, and I should not find it hot. But I did. Hell, who was I kidding? Everything about Trey turned me on, and had from the moment I’d met him. It was one of the reasons I’d taken a chance and come here when everything went sideways.

“Asher,” he growled, and I gave in. I dropped to my knees, not as gracefully as I would have liked, but gods, it felt so much better to be on my knees for him. This was where I belonged. Trey’s gaze tracked my movement, and I knew I didn’t imagine the wolf in his eyes when he looked down at me. I dropped my gaze. Not because I didn’t want to stare into his golden wolf eyes—because I sure as shit did—but because his very existence demanded my deference.

Silence stretched between us, thick on the night air. And then, he placed his hand on my head. Like a benediction, and I broke.

“I need help,” I blurted. I was ashamed for admitting it, but at the same time, there was a part of me that felt overwhelming relief. The emotions warred in my gut but I didn’t let them show on my face. I’d asked, or rather told, but I couldn’t back down from my statement now that I’d said it. Alphas never backed down.

Trey blew out a breath. His voice was soft as he asked, “And you came here?”

“Yes.” I bit my tongue to keep the “sir” from escaping. It had almost rolled out of my mouth and I couldn’t let it. I might be on my knees, and I was here because I needed help, but that didn’t mean I had to show my weakness. I’d spent a long time hiding it, pretending it didn’t exist. I could keep doing it.

Trey studied me for a long time. Part of me wanted to explain, wanted to tell him everything. To make him understand just what a dire situation this was and that the desperateness of the situation was the only reason I was here. But I remained silent, letting him look even as the weight of his gaze became oppressive.

Finally, he moved. Just a step to the left, but he took his hand off my head. As discretely as possible, I sucked in a much-needed breath. And then the air was stolen from my lungs as I watched Trey out of the corner of my eye. He knelt before his wolf, the one who had sniffed me and howled, and he placed a gentle hand on the wolf’s head.

“Good job, Jake,” Trey said softly, then called, just as quietly, to his other wolf. “Alyssa.”

When the second wolf trotted around my car, he treated her with the same care and tenderness, giving her praise as well. Then with a gesture of his hand, he sent them off. Alyssa gave a quiet bark, Jake more of a joyful yip, and they loped down the drive. I assumed to resume patrol.

“Come inside, Asher. We’ll talk about what’s going on.” He turned and strode toward the house. I scrambled to my feet and hastened to follow. I had no choice. Not only because that’s what he demanded of me, but because my body already insisted I do whatever he asked of me.

Trey led me into the kitchen, where the man who’d answered the door was busy making coffee. He gave us both a wide grin.

“Here you go, Alpha.” He handed Trey a cup as he passed.

“Thanks, Duncan.” Trey shot me a look. “Do you want one?”

“Uh, no. No, thank you.”

“Water or anything else?” Duncan asked. He had a smooth voice that exuded kindness, and having him there eased the nerves twisting my gut. I offered him a shaky smile, but shook my head. With the way I felt right now, even water would have come back up. It was better not to risk it. No way was I puking in front of another alpha.

“Have a seat.” Trey gestured to a chair on the other side of the large table, and I sat gingerly, my ass barely making contact with the edge. Trey wrapped both hands around his mug where it rested on the table, and leaned forward. “Tell me what’s going on.”

He said it gently, but there was no mistaking the command in it. This was a man who was used to being obeyed. Of course he was. And even though I’d been subjected to that my whole life, I grew increasingly uncomfortable. I was weak, an abomination. What the fuck was I doing here? It had been a mistake. In that moment, I knew it down to my bones. My knee started bouncing, and I had the insane urge to run. Leave this house and Carver pack lands.