Chapter 5

“Tell me.” Trey’s voice went deep, and I felt it in my soul. “Tell me, Asher. And remember, I’ll know if you’re lying.”

I gasped, and thought about pulling out of his hold. As though he knew what I was thinking, his grip tightened again. But rather than make me feel confined, restricted, or even in danger, I felt a sense of peace wash through me. It was wrong. What I felt was wrong. But it couldn’t be denied.

“Take a breath,” he said, his tone full of calm. I did, breathing in slowly and letting it out. “And tell me.”

“I felt something when I was here. Being in your presence. I felt—” The words stuttered out, then I just let them go because I needed to. I’d been fighting it so damn long, and I was so damn tired of it. “The things I want…I shouldn’t want them. It’s not right. But I do. I want them. And you could give them to me. I felt it that day and I’ve been thinking about it since. And gods, it’s so wrong but I know you could give them to me.”