Chapter 24

“I should have known you’d be so dark, on account of your hair. If it wasn’t for your pale snout, I would lose you in the night.”

I huffed again, then clicked my tongue to let him know I was friendly. I didn’t know if Trey understood bear, so I gave a happy grunt, higher than a growl, so he’d hopefully know. Trey seemed to get it, because he petted my head, then rubbed his fingers along my neck to scratch my scruff.

“You’re beautiful, cub. You really are. Why don’t you go play?”

I wanted to, but more than that, I wanted him with me. I clicked my tongue again, took a dancing step closer, then licked across his mouth. I needed him with me. After all this time, I was in my other shape and it felt amazing. But without Trey, it wouldn’t be the same.

Trey laughed and pulled back. “You can lick my mouth when you’re human again. And other places, too.” He waggled his eyebrows.