All I can tell you is that they left late that night. Very late. To say I was well and truly fucked when they left would sound contrite but believe me it was far from it. We have our own collection of photos, under lock and key, that are not to be shared with anyone but I’m telling you if I ever did, I’d make a fortune.”
“Now I’m even more intrigued,” Rhonda said, and I thought I noticed a gleam in her eye.
“I do have the photos at my studio if you’re interested in seeing them,” I said.
“You talking about tonight?”
“If you’re not too busy.”
“Hmm, it certainly is tempting,” she said, pursing her lips.
I was hoping all the embellishment I’d given would work in my favor. I did want her to come to the studio and I was sure after seeing the girls in action she’d be as turned on as I always get when studying them.