Chapter 54

“So, you think you might want me around some more?”

What an angel.

“You bet. I’d like us to be exclusive.”

“So, would I.”

And just like that my life changed for the better. Being single like I said earlier has its advantages but when you find a woman like her, your soul mate in every way you grab it and hold on to it.

“Ready for another session.” She laughed, slapping me on the thigh playfully.

“You bet.”

“This time I wear the strap on,” she said

“I can hardly wait,” I chuckled kissing her as I watched her strap it on.

I stared at her body. Some faint bruise marks were appearing. She had scratches on her back from where I raked my nails as I’d been fucking her. Her hair was dishevelled and her makeup smudged. The thing I loved about her was that she wasn’t vain, she didn’t care, all she was concentrating on was the fact she was going to be pleasuring me.