Chapter 29

At least this pub was fairly quiet. He couldn’t take noise and crowds yet. He couldn’t even be in that kitchen at the café with Fran and a few women. Loud music and too many people in his personal space would be more than he could stand.

They got drinks at the bar and Fran led him to a table of young men, who all greeted him heartily. He introduced Dez only with his first name—and only “Dez,” not “Derek”—and as “my neighbor.” That suited Dez. He didn’t want anyone twigging from his full name who he was. He didn’t want them knowing he was police. He knew plenty of gay guys hated the police. He didn’t blame them for it one bit, not with some of the shit he’d heard—in the canteen and locker room—and had even seen go down in the custody suite.