Chapter 116

Tip stared at her for a moment in frank disbelief that she could ever have thought for one moment her virtue was in danger, even if he hadn’t been gay. “So if she’s here to find me, what about you?” he asked, turning to Steve.

“Well,” Steve said again, lounging back on the bed and smiling up at Tip. He got dimples when he smiled, and the corners of his eyes crinkled up in a way that did curious things to Tip’s insides. “Aunty June was worried you might get a bit, ah, vengeful once the curse had been removed. So she asked me to come over for the de-cursing, and Aunty May got me the hotel room.”

“She got you to come over—to defend her against me?” Tip actually felt quite flattered. He didn’t think anyone had ever been frightened of him before.

“Poor dear,” Aunty May put in, “her memory’s obviously worse than we thought.”