Chapter 127

“I’m thirty and I teach high school physics.”

Interesting. Teaching was mostly the domain of betas. A few alphas went into it but not so many it was common.

“I graduated from West Point.”

Now that was a much more typical alpha path. Still, his second career was teaching and David appreciated the willingness to go beyond a stereotypical alpha life.

“My military career was cut short after the incident that busted my knee. It’s not usually this bad, but I took a kick to it yesterday. Usually I can walk alright. Lost a little bit of peripheral vision in my left eye but it doesn’t stop me from doing anything.”

So Jake had two injuries on the left side of his body and still made taking out their kidnappers look easy. That was impressive. David wanted to know, “What did you do in the military?”

“Special forces. Rescue missions.”

“And your family?” prompted Amanda when no one else said anything.

“I’m an only child. Mom and Dad live in Oak Grove. Oh yeah, they’re buying me a house.”