Chapter 140

He was jolted out of his introspection when Jake said, “You mentioned you haven’t gotten out much lately.”

“Once I hit maturity I got too much attention. With online education it’s becoming more common for omegas to finish high school, and it was important to me because that’s something nobody can ever take away from me. There’s still a perception that a mature, unclaimed omega is actively looking for an alpha, so we were always dealing with alphas interrupting us. One time I was getting a haircut when the beta hairdresser started talking up her alpha brother.”

“How unprofessional,” remarked Jake, “not to mention rude.”

“The worst part is that I couldn’t control my physical reaction. No matter how much I hated it I was turned on to some level by the presence of alphas. It’s not like many people imagine where I was overcome with lust and couldn’t think, but I was aroused and the alphas knew it. It just got to the point where going out wasn’t worth it.”