Chapter 149

He looked up at the beast—he had never thought of him this way before, but what else do you call someone built like a linebacker and wearing the menacing face of a wolf?

The beast had started to turn away. Beau surmised that since he had made his delivery, his services were no longer required.

Well, he was wrong about that. Beau needed answers and he had waited long enough for them, even if he was not entirely certain just how long “long enough” had been.

“Wait a minute,” Beau said, his voice coming out tentative, soft. He would need to remedy that. If he was being held here against his will, if he had, in fact, been beaten and abducted, he would have to play his cards carefully—and the most important card to play was the one that told him not to show any fear, to be strong.

“Hold it.” Beau’s voice was stronger now, clearer; he put some breath and bass behind his words.