Chapter 29

A few minutes later,in the truck,my body thrummed with excitement.I couldn’t believe my mom had figured things out.And she’d accepted me.There was no judgment from her.She could also see how I felt about Jeff,though,which meant I needed to better hide my emotions.I bounced my leg nervously as we drove on.

“What’s with you?”Jeff asked,breaking the silence.

I looked at my best friend,the light from the dash illuminating his features.God,I wanted to kiss him.Tell him how I felt.But it wasn’t meant to be.He was straight.I sighed.“Um,my mom knows.About me.And she’s fine with me being gay.”The word still felt foreign on my tongue.Not that I was ashamed.Not at all.It just felt weird to be saying it out loud to others.

“That’s great,Aaron!”Jeff flashed a grin at me.